Despite the bad weather, I decided to take off and head towards "Ship Rock" to capture the unique and dramatic landscape. As I flew through the clouds, I saw the beautiful and rugged terrain of the desert below. The stormy clouds added an eerie and mysterious element to the already stunning landscape. I had to constantly balance my desire to capture the perfect shot with my duty as a pilot to ensure the safety of myself. It was a challenging experience, but the end result was worth it. The photos and videos I captured of "Ship Rock" in the bad weather were some of the most
儘管天氣不好,我還是決定起飛前往“船岩”,捕捉獨特而引人注目的景觀。 當我飛過雲層時,我看到了下面沙漠美麗而崎嶇的地形。 暴風雨的雲層給本已令人驚嘆的景觀增添了一種怪誕而神秘的元素。 我必須不斷地平衡我捕捉完美鏡頭的願望和我作為飛行員的職責,以確保我自己的安全。 這是一次具有挑戰性的經歷,但最終結果是值得的。 我在惡劣天氣下拍攝的“Ship Rock”照片和視頻是最棒的
拍攝器材:相機 Hasselblad 503cw/ pentax 67
底片:t-max 400/ portra 400

